Hi friends!

Tomboy showed up in the June issue of Previews (Diamond’s catalog for comic book stores).  This means that you can now very easily order the book from your favorite comic shop, either by requesting by title, or by using the Diamond ordering code JUN141295.



Some people have asked what my preferred method of them acquiring the book is, and that answer is always going to be BUYING THE BOOK FROM A LOCAL BOOKSTORE/COMIC SHOP.  At this point, any bookstore/comic shop can order Tomboy for you.  If you are going to request it from a bookseller instead of a comic shop, the ISBN is 978-1-936976-55-3; this is a unique number code for a vendor to easily look up the book, but using the title and the author name should also work just as well.  Pre-ordering Tomboy is helpful to me, because if pre-order sales are strong, the publisher will put more marketing behind it.

Why do I want you to order Tomboy from a brick & mortar store, instead of online?  Because I believe in supporting small businesses, and the idea that bookstores are dying because of online retailers, and that there might eventually be a world WITHOUT these places is a scary one.  Even if you are buying the book from a big chain bookstore, if you physically go in and request the book, they will likely order an extra copy for the shelves, and that will allow someone who is just browsing to find the book by accident, who might not have otherwise.  Some of my favorite books in the world are ones I have found by accident.

If you still want to order the book online (no judgment! I’m just glad you want the book!), you can pre-order it directly from the publisher, by going here:


Do you want to help out even more?  If you are planning to buy the book, you can still request that your local and/or school library get a copy.  I am a huge fan of libraries (I was a Library Associate at the MFA in Boston for 3 years, and an employee in the SMFA school library for 5 before that) and I want this book to accessible to as many people as possible.

If you want to add your numbers to the official Tomboy Facebook page, you can do so by liking HERE.  There is not much content on there yet, but as September 2nd approaches, there will be more to interact with.

 In closing, I am extremely excited and nervous for Tomboy to come out in September; I have never been so proud of a comic I’ve drawn, and I’ve never drawn something so personal and important to me.  I sincerely thank you for your support, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book when you read it.