Hey friends!

Next weekend is the hallowed and sacred Small Press Expo in Bethesda, Maryland. I eagerly await this convention all year long, because it is consistently the best, both in terms of attendance, and talent in the room, and this year will be no different!

My table alone will be oozing with amazing, so please be advised that W-68 is where the goods are at! You can meet the elusive Mitch Clem, creator of the long-standing punk comic Nothing Nice to Say, with the newest issue of his anthology project As You Were fresh off the presses. Oogle the loveliness of Nation of Amanda as she does custom watercolor portraits of your favorite characters of comics, tv, movies and more! Ramsey Beyer will divorce you from your money when you see her brand new book Little Fish, available in person for the first time at the show. And then there will be lil’ ol’ me, with an announcement for a new book that will have some of you excited.

We’ll see you there or not at all!